1. Send your parcel to Shark Logistics office address in Korea
Pack your parcel as small and tidy as you can to make your shipment cheaper and safer.
You can use local curiers, such as 'Korea Post' (Korea post: 1588-1300) to send your parcel to our address.
Restricted item:
Batteries(even small one), Smart phones, Drugs/pills, flammable substances, explosives, Kimchi, salted fish, cash, Individual stamps, passport, Personal ID, tobacco
ID: sharkadmin
Please click the red 'Parcel Items' button below and fill out the form for customs clearance.
Any missing or inaccurate information might lead to customs delay, shipping delay, or cause extra charge.
1. We do not offer combined shipping services. Please be aware of this as processing, reporting and billing are required for each shipment.
2. Food and beverage may take one day up to three weeks for customs inspection. Please keep in mind before shipping.

The larger value between the volume weight or the actual weight is applied. Guide for volume weight>>
우체국 상자 부피무게
1호 - 1.0KG
2호 - 1.5KG
3호 - 3.0KG
4호 - 6.0KG
5호 - 10.5KG
2. Please fill out the form with items' details
배송물품을 한국 사무실로 택배접수 또는, 방문접수 하신 후
Click the Red Button below and fill out the form. Simple and Easy
Please fill in all the blanks. Undeclared products or inaccurate product information may cause delays in delivery, extra taxes and fines.
or, Send info through Kakao talk(Click)
1.Tracking number
2.Sender's name
3. Receiver's name
4.Receiver's phone
5. Items/amount/ price
Query Korea : 070-8688-0712
NZ : 09-444-6600

3. Visit our NZ office adrress after receiving a message
Items that arrive by Thursday should be picked up on Friday. (items that arrive on Friday should be picked up on the next Friday.)
- Arrival date may change without notice depending on customs clearance or flight schedule.
- If food is included in the delivery (including dried fish/red pepper powder and commercial products), customs clearance may be delayed up to three weeks.
- In case of food, depending on the MPI quarantine result, BACC fees may be charged. (Kimchi and salted fish products are strictly prohibited)
Arrangement by Friday morning
Send a message around 12:00 pm(to recipient)
Come to the office to pick up your items
** ** Upon request, we can arrange a local courier for additional cost. May take up to 3 additional business days for delivery