If you've sent more than 2 parcels, please type in each one
Recipient name (English or Korean).
Item, quantity, value must be correct.
We are not responsible for any processing cost caused from inaccurate information.
$150 fine and additional cost will be charged by customs for false/misleading/missing information.
Deadline : Thursday 5:00 pm at Korea office address
Departure from Seoul : Friday, Saturday Flight
Arrival at Auckland office address : next Thursday 4:30 pm~5:00 pm
* Any box including food can be delayed up to three weeks.
Check up & List up : ~ Friday 12:00 pm
Txt sent out to recipient: Friday 12:00 pm (Recipient you entered)
Pick-up: at our Auckland address
Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17 :30
Sat 08:30 - 14:00