FAQ (New Zealand TO Korea)
How much does it cost?
Our price for parcel from NZ to Korea is $13/kg. ($14/kg if you're dropping off at a local mart) As we mention on our website, we charge price by which ever value is higher between the actual weight and the volume weight. (W * L * H *167=Weight) Please, consider this and make your parcel as small as possible. That is the best way to save the cost.
2. What is the volume weight?
Air cargo uses space in the airplane. So, if the volume is big compared to the actual weight, the price is charged with the volume weight. Below is how to get the weight from the volume.
Formula : W * L * H *167=Weight
ex) W/L/H ( 30/30/30 ) = 0.3*0.3*0.3*167= 4.5kg.
The larger value between the volume or the actual weight will be applied.
3. How long does it take to receive it?
It will take 5~10 business days from the departure. Generally it takes 7 days.
4. Can you help me packing?
Please visit our office with your package and one of our kind staff will help you pack your parcel.
5. Can I buy a box?
We have boxes at our office. Small boxes from $1~$2, big boxes are $4~$6
6. Can I send food? Any prohibited items?
Any food that might leak(such as Kimchi) could damage other customers' parcels critically. So, it's strictly prohibited by the customs. Batteries(e.g. toys with battery, smart phones, tablet pc, etc), perfumes, cash and personal ID(e.g drivers licence, passport, etc) are prohibited as well.
Snacks, chocolates and cookies are allowed.
7. Any other questions
please contact us on our number or e-mail. Our staffed hours are
Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m ~ 5:30 p.m
Sat 8:30 a.m ~ 2:00 P.m
Sun Closed